Thursday, July 4, 2013

Meet & Greet

         Hi everyone, my name is Joe DePeter and this blog will be my 'journal' of my experiences in São Paolo, Brazil. I'm a middler at Northeastern University studying chemical engineering and I hope that throughout this trip I will attempt to understand the motivations and mechanics behind Brazil's renewable/alternative energy production.

        So far our catch phrase here has been, 'that's different'. Life here IS different and I first noticed that when the lady who took my order for coffee was puzzled by the term 'to-go'.

        Starbucks is the only place here where you will find to-go cups; every other coffee shop assumes that if you order something you'll take the time to enjoy it there, not to cheapen your experience by muddling it with your commute.

       Here's to hoping that life doesn't get too different, however I never would have left home if I didn't want to leave my comfort zone.

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