Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Food Market

We visited one of the oldest and biggest Fruit/Food markets in Sao Paulo, here's a list and description of a few of the things you can find there:

Rambutan - I couldn't find the name of this in English but it was surprisingly delicious. Inside the edible part of the fruit is a nut, kinda jelly like but pleasant.

Figo Roxo - Purple Fig, didn't try it but it probably isn't much different from regular figs?

Tomarillo - Dutch eggplant, didn't get a chance to try this either.

Mangostin - Purple Mangosteen, the inside of this one was white and slimy, eh.

Cavalinha Seca - Dried Mackerel, I didn't try this but from the smell I don't think I want to.

Cocoola - Coconut Cake, these were cakes of sweetened coconut shavings, unlike the super small shavings you're used to, these were big chunks and really sweet.

Surpresa De Morango - Strawberry Surprise, inside the chocolate layer of this sweet was a thick layer of dulce de leche and a strawberry in the middle! Surprise!

There was a considerable beer store offering many crafts that I'd seen and not seen before, but this one was totally out of left field. Rogue offers other beers in the states but I've never seen this, nor did I really want to try it.

Carne Seca Coxao Mole - Dried Beef Jerky, unfortunately this wasn't available to taste either but I did get to try a few different sausages and bacons, some spicy some sweet. 

Pitaya Exotica - Dragon Fruit, the inside of this was also white with small black seeds, these look pretty different from normal dragon fruit but maybe they're just under ripe.

Maybe we'll get a chance to go back and try some more things, there definitely was much more I'd like to get my hands on!

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